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作者:裴钟硕 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10036 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛 总第四十辑(2020年第二辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:17世纪明清交替时期,中断了近两百年的海路使行重新开启,安璥坐上了通航后的首艘船出使中国。从上船前一直到回朝鲜,安璥每天记录,形成了17世纪首部海路使行记录——《驾海朝天录》。该书记载了行程中的事件和吟诵情感的诗。他在海上作的诗展现了朝鲜儒家文人眼中的海洋。海洋对文人而言是一个陌生的地方,然而险峻的海路也更加凸显受命使臣的忠诚和使命感。全球化时代,海洋的作用愈加重要,关于海洋的人文研究也变得十分必要。对此,过去文人刻画的海洋形象,为我们从... 展开



Abstract:In the 17th century,An Gyeong(安璥,1564-1640) was sent on a diplomatic mission to the Ming Dynasty by sea between the Ming and the Qing Dynasties.He was the first man who went to the Ming Dynasty by sea after an interval of 200 years.An Gyeong kept a record of the trip from the day of departure to the day when he returned to Korea,which is “Gahaejocheonrok”.It consists of two parts,one is the incidents and details,the other i... 展开

Abstract:In the 17th century,An Gyeong(安璥,1564-1640) was sent on a diplomatic mission to the Ming Dynasty by sea between the Ming and the Qing Dynasties.He was the first man who went to the Ming Dynasty by sea after an interval of 200 years.An Gyeong kept a record of the trip from the day of departure to the day when he returned to Korea,which is “Gahaejocheonrok”.It consists of two parts,one is the incidents and details,the other is the poems that recorded the feelings of what he experienced.These characteristics are the views of the ocean recognized by Korean Confucians.When we read these poems carefully,we can appreciate the spirit beyond life and death in the storm of the sea,the beautiful ocean view,and the sense of mission that bears the king's order.In the era of globalization,the ocean plays a more and more important role,hence an interpretation of humanities is required now.At this time,the past view of the ocean may also become part of the humanities cognition.


