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作者:赵文卓 金瑛 刘思义 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:34 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26029 字 所属丛书:企业海外发展蓝皮书 所属图书:中国企业海外发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为国家级顶层合作倡议,“一带一路”倡议对于推动我国形成全面开放新格局,维护全球自由贸易体系和开放型世界经济具有深远意义。作为“一带一路”倡议的“领头羊”和“主力军”,在京央企在共建“一带一路”国家投资中发挥着重要的引领和示范作用。本报告以在京央企为研究对象,首先分析在京央企投资共建“一带一路”国家的总体思路和现状,并选取能源、金融和科技领域三家典型企业进行案例研究。基于以上分析,本报告进一步研究了在京央企投资共建“一带一路”国家面临... 展开



Abstract:As a state-level top-level cooperation initiative,the construction of The Belt and Road Initiative is of far-reaching strategic significance for promoting China to form a new pattern of comprehensive opening up and maintaining the global free trade system and an open world economy. As the “leader” and “main force” in the construction of The Belt and Road,the central enterprises in Beijing play an important leading and demonstrat... 展开

Abstract:As a state-level top-level cooperation initiative,the construction of The Belt and Road Initiative is of far-reaching strategic significance for promoting China to form a new pattern of comprehensive opening up and maintaining the global free trade system and an open world economy. As the “leader” and “main force” in the construction of The Belt and Road,the central enterprises in Beijing play an important leading and demonstration role in the investment of countries along The Belt and Road. This section takes the central enterprises in Beijing as the research object,first analyzes the overall thinking and status quo of investment in countries along The Belt and Road by central enterprises in Beijing,and selects three typical enterprises in the fields of energy,finance and science and technology for case study. Based on the above analysis,this section further studies the risk factors and opportunity factors faced by central enterprises in Beijing when investing in countries along The Belt and Road,and puts forward risk response and institutional safeguard measures at the government level and the central enterprise level. This section is of some reference significance for the central enterprises in Beijing to continue to respond to The Belt and Road initiative and lead Chinese enterprises to implement the “going out” strategy.




