文章摘要:捷克地处中欧要地,曾是东西方政治交锋的“前沿阵地”,多种文化在此交汇融合,使其拥有丰富且特色鲜明的文化遗产。捷克重视文化遗产保护,根据国情推进相关法律建设,确立了较为完善的文化遗产保护法律体系;文化部遗产保护司和遗产监察司等职能部门分工明确、作用显著;国家遗产研究院与教育部、学校开展合作,培养多层次人才;遗产保护资金来源广,政府投入不断增加。近年来,捷克在大力发展与联合国教科文组织合作的同时,也不断强化同中国在机制建设、扩大交流活动及... 展开
Abstract:Located in a strategic place in the Central Europe,the Czech Republic used to be the “frontier position” of the political confrontation,diverse cultures merged here,giving it a rich and distinctive cultural heritage. the Czech Republic attaches great importance to the protection of cultural heritage,promotes the construction of relevant laws and has established a relatively complete legal system for cultural heritage protection... 展开