文章摘要:塞尔维亚是巴尔干地区具有丰富文化传统的重要多民族国家,保存着众多的历史文化遗产。塞尔维亚政府通过制定行政和融资政策,直接或间接参与国家各级各类文化机构和组织的管理,促进文化的发展。近年来,面对文化发展的优势和挑战,塞尔维亚政府制定了更为详细的战略发展规划,以优化国家文化治理结构、完善文化治理中的问责制和信息披露、改善文化机构的管理层结构、促进文化治理的公共参与,并在优化融资模式、促进文化数字化信息化发展等方面加大资源投入力度,以国际文... 展开
Abstract:Serbia is an important multi-ethnic country in the Balkans with rich cultural traditions,and it holds many historical and cultural heritages. Serbia’s cultural governance is the government’s direct and indirect participation in the management of various cultural institutions and organizations at all levels of the country in ways of the formulation of administrative and financing policies to promote the development of culture. In re... 展开