文章摘要:性别平等是社会文明进步的标尺,是人类实现可持续发展的重要目标,在应对气候变化领域实现性别平等更具有现实意义。女性在面对气候变化时相对男性具有更高的脆弱性,同时女性在应对气候变化领域也能够发挥重要作用。本文综述了《联合国气候变化框架公约》下性别与气候变化议程的进展,评估了气候行动中性别平等的差距与不足。我国在气候行动的性别平等方面的问题,主要体现在男女平等的性别意识尚未在我国完全普及,重男轻女传统观念仍是影响女性地位和权利保护的重要因素... 展开
Abstract:Gender equality is the yardstick of social civilization and progress,and it is an important goal to achieve sustainable development. It is more realistic to achieve gender equality in the field of climate change. Women are more vulnerable than men to the effect of climate change and women can also play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. In this paper,we summarizes the progress of gender and climate change... 展开