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作者:禹湘 刘夏青 莫君媛 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13293 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文对“十三五”时期工业应对气候变化的成效进行了总结。“十三五”前三年,工业增加值累计增长19.10%,年平均增长率为6.08%。工业增加值快速增长的同时,中国工业的碳排放强度持续下降。相比其他发达国家和发展中国家,中国单位工业增加值碳排放下降的速度更为迅速,为中国提前实现2020年单位GDP碳排放强度比2005年下降40%~45%的目标做出了贡献。“十三五”期间通过不断完善工业应对气候变化的顶层设计;大力推动绿色制造体系建设,实现低碳、绿色的协同发展;大力推动... 展开



Abstract:This article summarizes the outcomes of industrial sector’s response to global climate change during the “thirteenth five” period. In the first three years of the period,the value added of the industrial sector had an accumulated growth of 20.65% and an average annual growth rate of 6.84%. As the value added of the industrial sector grew at an accelerated rate,however,its carbon emission intensity continued to decline. In compar... 展开

Abstract:This article summarizes the outcomes of industrial sector’s response to global climate change during the “thirteenth five” period. In the first three years of the period,the value added of the industrial sector had an accumulated growth of 20.65% and an average annual growth rate of 6.84%. As the value added of the industrial sector grew at an accelerated rate,however,its carbon emission intensity continued to decline. In comparison to other developed and developing countries,China’s carbon emission per unit of value added is declining at a higher speed,which plays a significant role in helping China to achieve in advance its 2020 goal of reducing emission intensity per unit GPA by 40%-45% from 2005. During the “thirteenth five” period,the Industrial sector continuously improved its top design to better counter climate change issues and its green manufacturing system to achieve low carbon development. In addition,a good foundation for future progress is laid through the promotion of low-carbon innovative technology and energy-saving consulting service. In the future fourteenth-five year period,the industrial sector will continue to foster its low-carbon characteristic through multiple policy measures and means.




