文章摘要:随着2019年“为未来而战”的气候运动席卷全球,以格雷塔·通贝里为代表的青年活动家备受关注。同年9月,首届联合国青年气候峰会更是将全球青年气候行动进一步推进公众视野。本文详细梳理了青年参与全球气候治理的历史进程,指出中国青年群体在政府、民间组织、学术机构的推动下,除利用“青年”这一共同身份之外,还会根据自身的特长、兴趣与专业领域,扮演包括青年学者、气候活动家、气候传播者等在内的不同角色,积极、有效地参与到全球应对气候变化的行动之中,对于促进... 展开
Abstract:With the climate movement of “Fighting for the Future” in 2019 sweeping the world,young activists such as Greta Tomberi have attracted much attention. In September of the same year,the first United Nations Youth Climate Summit will be the global youth climate action to further promote public vision. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the historical process of youth participation in global climate governance,and points out th... 展开