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作者:庄贵阳 窦晓铭 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22444 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:为保护人类生存与发展的外部环境,弥合与全球温升控制目标相适应的排放路径之间的差距,国际减排目标逐渐提升至净零碳排放导向。本文介绍了全球气候变化问题的最新事实,指出全球已进入“气候紧急状态”。梳理了国家和地区以净零碳排放为导向的长期温室气体低排放发展战略,以及落实净零碳排放目标所面临的挑战。在从机遇及挑战两方面分析了中国制定净零碳排放导向应对气候变化战略的意义后,本文提出中国推进净零碳排放导向应对气候变化战略的对策建议:一是统筹国家自主... 展开



Abstract:In order to protect the external environment for human survival and development,and to close the gap with the emission control targets compatible with 1.5℃,the global emission reduction target is gradually promoted to the net zero carbon emission orientation. This paper introduced the latest facts on global climate change and pointed out that the world had entered climate emergency. It also summarized the national and regional long... 展开

Abstract:In order to protect the external environment for human survival and development,and to close the gap with the emission control targets compatible with 1.5℃,the global emission reduction target is gradually promoted to the net zero carbon emission orientation. This paper introduced the latest facts on global climate change and pointed out that the world had entered climate emergency. It also summarized the national and regional long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies guided by the net zero carbon emission target,as well as the challenges faced by the implementation of the target. By analyzing the significance of China’s net-zero-carbon-emission-oriented strategies from both positive and negative aspects,this paper put forward several countermeasures for China to formulate and promote its strategies. First,coordinating the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions with net-zero-carbon-emission-oriented target. Second,building a zero-carbon policy system and adjusting the energy structure and industry structure. Third,enhancing the scheme to address climate change risks interiorly,and energizing the international cooperation and exchange.



