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作者:孙璐 出版日期:2015年02月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11649 字 所属丛书:吉林蓝皮书 所属图书:2015年吉林经济社会形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:吉林省在经济与社会发展的道路上,面临着进一步深化改革和扩大开放的双重任务。自党的十八届四中全会以后,法治建设进入公众的视野之中,吉林省扩大开放的努力显然也必然要考虑诸多的法律问题。本文指出吉林省在进一步推进和发展对外交往的过程中,一方面要高度关注国土安全的问题,做好边境管控和危机预防的工作,在这方面要建立健全规章制度,并有效地实施相关制度;另一方面要注重通过完善涉外服务业的环境、强化对外服务的能力等措施,以具有地方特色和国际视野的服务... 展开



Abstract:Jilin Province in the economic and social development, confronted with the dual task of further deepening reform and opening up. Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the party's eighteen, the construction of the rule of law into the public view, Jilin Province to expand open to apparently is also bound to consider many legal problems. This paper points out that Jilin Province in the process of further promotion and development of forei... 展开

Abstract:Jilin Province in the economic and social development, confronted with the dual task of further deepening reform and opening up. Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the party's eighteen, the construction of the rule of law into the public view, Jilin Province to expand open to apparently is also bound to consider many legal problems. This paper points out that Jilin Province in the process of further promotion and development of foreign exchanges, on the one hand should be highly concerned about homeland security issues, to border control and crisis prevention work in this area to establish rules and regulations, and effectively implement the relevant system; on the other hand, attention should be paid to the foreign service industry by improving the environment, strengthen the foreign service ability and other measures, leading the overall development of the international economy and society with local characteristics and international vision services, especially by expanding the system to lead and train of thought in international education, international tourism and other fields, Jilin characteristics and advantages of the development of new products in Jilin Province, concise, so as to improve the international rule of law, promote the opening up the ability and level of Jilin province.


