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分报告三 中国油气行业格局变动分析

作者:闫晋中 霍小龙 出版日期:2008年03月 报告页数:74 页 报告大小: 报告字数:54717 字 所属丛书:能源蓝皮书 所属图书:中国能源发展报告(2008) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2007年中国石油天然气行业效益冰火两重天,主要原因是国际原油价格飙升和国内成品油定价机制改革暂缓。目前中国油气的管理方式依然是,上中游加强控制,下游逐渐放开。三大油气公司效益良好,纷纷加大勘探力度,加强基础设施投资,对油气投资为历年最高。中国原油净进口增速下降,成品油净进口回落明显,油源进一步多元化。天然气和煤层气以其洁净环保的特性,在国家开展节能减排和调整能源结构中正在以前所未有的速度迅速发展。本报告同样分析了2007年中国油气行业遇到的... 展开



Abstract:In 2007,the benefits of petroleum and natural gas industry,sub-industry displayed different market situations. The main reasons are that the international crude oil price is soaring,and the reform of domestic oil price mechanism is slowing down. Presently,in China,the management mode of oil and gas is still strengthening the controlling of upper and middle reaches,and gradually opening the lower reach. Three Oil and Gas Giants p... 展开

Abstract:In 2007,the benefits of petroleum and natural gas industry,sub-industry displayed different market situations. The main reasons are that the international crude oil price is soaring,and the reform of domestic oil price mechanism is slowing down. Presently,in China,the management mode of oil and gas is still strengthening the controlling of upper and middle reaches,and gradually opening the lower reach. Three Oil and Gas Giants possess good benefits. They all increase exploration and strengthen infrastructure investment,which record the highest oil and gas investment. In China,the increasing speed of net imported crude oil is decreasing,while the volume of net imported oil is sharply falling,and the oil resource is further diversifying. Since our country developing energy conservation & less discharge and adjusting energy structure,natural gas and CEM are developing in the unprecedented speed. This article analyzes the new issues mingled with old problems of our country’s oil and gas industry in 2007. Finally,some corresponding strategies are suggested.



