分报告九 能源财税体制对能源产业转型影响分析
文章摘要:随着经济发展对于能源的依赖程度的加深,能源战略已经上升为国家战略。“十一五”末期,通过包括关停小火电、淘汰落后产能、拉闸限电等各种手段终于勉强完成了节能减排的任务,显示着资源瓶颈对经济发展的制约,让人们切实感受到能源安全的重要性。“十二五”期间,“加快转变经济发展方式和调整经济结构”成为主攻方向。能源结构的优化、能源效率的提高成为经济发展中面临的重要任务。应该加快能源财税政策调整,出台资源税、能源税、碳税等政策,以有力的财税政策为杠杆... 展开
Abstract:Energy strategy is considered as national strategy due to there is an increasing tendency that economic development is more and more dependent on energy resources. At the end of Eleventh Five-Year period,the targets for saving energy and reducing emissions is just barely completed by cutting down the small fossil fuel-fired power units,eliminating backward production capacity,and limiting power by pulling brake. All of these measur... 展开