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作者:冯天瑜 聂运伟 出版日期:2017年07月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15075 字 所属图书:文化发展论丛 2017年第1卷 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在全球现代化进程不断推进的过程中,关于文化转型的论说层出不穷。如何界定文化转型的性质、理性评判各种有关理论、寻求社会重建的历史之路,无疑是当下人类共同面对的世界性难题。历经改革开放近40年,中国社会与文化的发展步入一个错综复杂的关节点,面对社会转型中出现的诸多问题及文化乱象,如何通过有深度的学术探讨和争鸣,实现切实的理论创新,是摆在从事人文社会科学研究者面前的一项迫切任务。冯天瑜先生是国内知名且在国际上有重要影响的文化史研究专家,是国内... 展开



Abstract:There is endless discussion about cultural transformation with the process of global modernization,during which undoubtedly comes the following global challenges such as how to define the nature of cultural transformation,how to make a rational judgment towards different theories,and how to find a historic path for social reconstruction. Through more than 40 years of reform and open policy,the development of Chinese society and cu... 展开

Abstract:There is endless discussion about cultural transformation with the process of global modernization,during which undoubtedly comes the following global challenges such as how to define the nature of cultural transformation,how to make a rational judgment towards different theories,and how to find a historic path for social reconstruction. Through more than 40 years of reform and open policy,the development of Chinese society and culture steps into a complicated juncture. Regarding the problems and chaotic cultural status during social transformation,it is a priority for researchers of humanity and social sciences to make a deep academic discussion so as to promote theory innovation. Professor Feng Tianyu is not only a domestic well-known but also an international influential expert on cultural history study,who is the earliest domestic scholar and one of the most successful scholars doing research on Chinese cultural history. For almost 50 years’ research on Chinese cultural history,Professor Feng Tianyu has shaped a broad vision on this academic area and has published many relevant books from which valuable thoughts can be seen towards the issues of Chinese social and cultural transformation and value reconstruction. The Editorial Department of “Culture Development Review” has entrusted Professor Nie Yunwei from School of Chinese Language and Literature in Hubei University to ask for Professor Feng Tianyu’s opinion towards the issues mentioned above,and published this interview for the readers.



