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作者:〔法〕安若澜 曾怡 出版日期:2017年10月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12894 字 所属图书:文化发展论丛(2017年第2卷,总第14期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:我们在谈论亚里士多德所划分出的实践哲学和理论哲学的研究对象时,会发现他都使用了“自然”一词,并且属人的世界与物理性的世界都同样涉及“法则”的问题。这使得亚里士多德在漫长的思想史中被视作自然法的思想资源,我们始终认为人也有其“自然”,即一种本质,并以此为原理或基础来建立社会秩序。这也就导致我们对自然法则与政治意义上的立法之间关系的各种论争。本文旨在回到亚里士多德的思想本身去厘清他如何在实践哲学的文本内使用“自然”(phusei)这一概念,进而... 展开



Abstract:When we respectively talk about the research objects of practical and theoretical philosophy,it seems that Aristotle applies “Nature” to both the research objects. The world of human beings and the physical world are also involved in the research of “Laws”. Therefore,the thoughts of Aristotle are always regarded as the intellectual resources of “Natural Laws”,based on which we believe that human beings also have their own “n... 展开

Abstract:When we respectively talk about the research objects of practical and theoretical philosophy,it seems that Aristotle applies “Nature” to both the research objects. The world of human beings and the physical world are also involved in the research of “Laws”. Therefore,the thoughts of Aristotle are always regarded as the intellectual resources of “Natural Laws”,based on which we believe that human beings also have their own “nature” or essence as the principle to build the social orders. Because of this,we are involved in the arguments on the relations between “nature laws” and political legislation. This paper aims to explain how Aristotle uses the concept of “Nature” to analyze the practical philosophical text,so as to study the status of “Laws” in Aristotle's thoughts,and discuss its status in modern society:are “Laws” natural,or established by human beings,or neither?



〔法〕安若澜:安若澜(Annick Jaulin)(1945~),博士,法国巴黎第一大学(先贤祠-索邦大学)荣休教授、四川大学特聘教授,研究方向为古希腊哲学,著有《实体与形式》(Ousia et Eidos)。
