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作者:柳智毅 出版日期:2015年05月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16928 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文重点对2014年澳门宏观经济环境以及主要行业发展情况进行了较深入的分析,并对2015年澳门宏观经济环境进行预测。美联储于2014年初正式宣布开始将量化宽松(QE)购债规模从每月850亿美元削减到750亿美元,这意味着美实施了五年之久的三轮量化宽松货币政策进入退出阶段,也标志着“后QE时代”正式降临。由于内地宏观经济增速放缓,以及开展的反腐运动,澳门赌场贵宾厅业务大受影响,博彩毛收入连续七个月下滑,以旅游博彩业为龙头的澳门经济2014年第三、四季度本地生产总... 展开



Abstract:This paper mainly analyses Macao’s macro-economic environment and development of its principal industries in 2014,and provides forecast to the economic situation of the coming year.The combining effects of the end of the Quantitative Easing (QE) programme by the US in 2014 and the anti-corruption campaign in mainland China deeply impacted on the spending behaviour of mainland Chinese visitors to Macao,especially on the VIP junket... 展开

Abstract:This paper mainly analyses Macao’s macro-economic environment and development of its principal industries in 2014,and provides forecast to the economic situation of the coming year.The combining effects of the end of the Quantitative Easing (QE) programme by the US in 2014 and the anti-corruption campaign in mainland China deeply impacted on the spending behaviour of mainland Chinese visitors to Macao,especially on the VIP junkets in casinos. The gross revenue of gaming declined for seven consecutive months since the mid-2014. The GDP of Macao contracted by 2.1% and 17.2% respectively in the 3rd and 4thquarter,the first recessions over the past five years. The annual GDP of Macao contracted by 0.4% in 2014.Looking ahead to 2015,it is predicted that the economy of Macao would continue the falling trend during the upper half of the year. However,as casino revenue is expected to stabilise at the middle of the year,economic growth would resume by the final quarter. The overall annual GDP in 2015 would either remain the same level as in 2014,or would grow in a lower single-digit percentage,possibly between 2% and 3%.


