文章摘要:本节分为三个部分,一是澳门卫生服务体系发展及改革;二是澳门离岛的医院建设;三是粤澳中医药产业园建设的规划及进展。秉承妥善医疗,预防优先的政策,澳门医疗体系正不断完善,医疗水平不断提升。针对国际金融危机的扩散与蔓延,澳门政府积极采取措施,促进经济适度多元化,为未来发展打下坚实基础。本文首先回顾了在金融危机下澳门医疗改革呈现出的新举措,并系统和深入探讨了澳门医疗体系。其次对澳门建设离岛医院的必要性和可行性进行了分析,给出了未来离岛医院建设... 展开
Abstract:Macau health authorities pursue all along the objectives to enhance the quality of medical services and to promote health for all.Macau’s healthcare system and healthcare quality are gradually improved based on the policies of proper medical care and prevention priority.Meanwhile,Macau government takes a series of measurements for the spreading international financial crisis in order to build a strong basis for further development.T... 展开