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作者:叶桂平 出版日期:2011年04月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12585 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,跨区域经济合作方兴未艾。本文对跨区域经济合作的概念进行了梳理,回顾了近年来中国与葡语国家在经贸方面取得的进展,提出了“中国—葡语国家经贸合作论坛(澳门)”是澳门实现以跨区域合作带动区域合作的重要切入点,透过“远交促近融”这一模式,对澳门提高城市形象、促进经济适度多元、扩大与周边地区的区域合作都有莫大裨益。同时,随着中葡论坛第三届部长级会议的召开,进一步巩固了澳门在中国—葡语国家经贸合作中的地位。因应此一新形势的发... 展开



Abstract:Currently,with the development of economic globalization,the trans-regional cooperation has just been unfolding. This article has sorted out the definition of the trans-regional cooperation,reviewed the new development progress of the economic and trade situation between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries,and pointed out that China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries Economic Cooperation Forum (Macau) is the key starting poin... 展开

Abstract:Currently,with the development of economic globalization,the trans-regional cooperation has just been unfolding. This article has sorted out the definition of the trans-regional cooperation,reviewed the new development progress of the economic and trade situation between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries,and pointed out that China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries Economic Cooperation Forum (Macau) is the key starting point for Macau to promote regional cooperation by the trans-regional cooperation. Through the model of “Using linking places far away to integrate with neighboring regions”,it is very helpful for Macau to improve the city image,promoting the development of moderate economic diversification,and expanding the regional cooperation with the surrounding areas. At the same time,with the convening of the third ministerial conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries,it will reinforce to the Macau Platform Role between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries. For the new development situation,this article also presents some policy recommendations for the development of Macau Platform.


