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作者:蒋朝阳 出版日期:2019年12月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19479 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:澳门特区回归20年来公共行政改革经历了两个时期。澳门回归后第一个十年的公共行政改革首先从确立“以民为本”的新行政文化着手,中期因应经济社会发展的需要,开始对公共行政进行“系统的规范性改革”。澳门回归后第二个十年,针对公共行政存在的结构性问题,公共行政改革围绕“阳光政府”、科学施政、绩效治理、提升政府治理能力来进行。2018年在继续深化公共行政架构重整、发展电子政务以优化行政运作机制等方面取得了成效。2019年则稳步实施架构调整,优化公共服务素质... 展开



Abstract:The Macau Special Administrative Region has experienced two periods of public administration reform in the past 20 years. The public administration reform in the first decade after Reunification of Macau began with the establishment of a new administrative culture based on the orientation for the people. In the middle of the said decade,a systematic normative reform in the public administration was carried out in response to the need... 展开

Abstract:The Macau Special Administrative Region has experienced two periods of public administration reform in the past 20 years. The public administration reform in the first decade after Reunification of Macau began with the establishment of a new administrative culture based on the orientation for the people. In the middle of the said decade,a systematic normative reform in the public administration was carried out in response to the needs of economic and social development. In the second decade after Reunification,public administration reform began to focus on “sunshine government”,scientific governance,performance management an improvement of governance capacity in response to the structural problems of public administration. Progress has been achieved in 2018 in deepening the restructuring of public administration and the development of e-government to optimise administrative operations. It is expected that restructuring would be implemented steadily in 2019,to improve the quality of public services. Public administration reform still needs to focus on improving the governance of Macau and on significantly reinforcing the governance capacity of the government.


