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作者:吴志良 出版日期:2011年04月 报告页数:5 页 报告大小: 报告字数:4175 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:Building a “sunshine government” (open government) is one of the major tasks of the Third Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region.By means of policy,institutions and tools,the construction of an open government is being attempted that will stimulate the formation of a new type of governance network based on openness,tolerance,rationality and harmony. However,the consciousness of the rule of law and the construct... 展开

Abstract:Building a “sunshine government” (open government) is one of the major tasks of the Third Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region.By means of policy,institutions and tools,the construction of an open government is being attempted that will stimulate the formation of a new type of governance network based on openness,tolerance,rationality and harmony. However,the consciousness of the rule of law and the construction of legal institutions will become a major challenge during the course of building an open government. The realisation of an open government also depends on the joint effort by all members of the community.



吴志良:1985年毕业于北京外国语学院葡萄牙语专业,1986年赴葡萄牙进修,1991年在澳门东亚大学完成公共行政课程,1997年获南京大学历史学博士学位。现任澳门基金会行政委员会主席、历史文化工作委员会主席、澳门学者同盟主席,兼任全国政协委员、全国港澳研究会副会长、中国作家协会全委会委员,以及澳门大学、北京外国语大学客座教授。 主要从事澳门历史与政治研究,代表性著作包括:主编“澳门论丛”“新澳门论丛”“濠海丛刊”“澳门法律丛书”等丛书百余种,也是《粤澳公牍录存》、“澳门丛书”、《澳门百科全书》和《澳门总览》的主编之一;合作主编《明清时期澳门问题档案文献汇编》《粤澳关系史》《澳门历史新说》《澳门编年史》《澳门史新编》《中国地域文化通览·澳门卷》和“列国汉学史书系”(25部);著有《葡萄牙印象》、《澳门政制》、《青年与澳门未来》、《东西交汇看澳门》、《生存之道——论澳门政治制度与政治发展》(中文、葡文版)、《澳门政治制度史》、《一个没有悲情的城市》和《悦读澳门》;合著有《葡萄牙投资指南》、《澳门政治社会研究》、《镜海飘渺》、《东西望洋》、《过十字门》、《早期澳门史论》和Revisitar os Primórdios de Macau:Para uma Nova Abordagem da História。