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作者:娄胜华 出版日期:2010年03月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12544 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2009~2010) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The 3rd Chief Executive election and the 4th Legislative Council Election of the Macau Special Administrative Region have been held in 2009.It is difference from other regions or countries that the participants of election are civil society organizations rather than parties in Macau.This paper examines all aspects of the election process including voter registration,nomination of candidates and election campaign participated by civil... 展开

Abstract:The 3rd Chief Executive election and the 4th Legislative Council Election of the Macau Special Administrative Region have been held in 2009.It is difference from other regions or countries that the participants of election are civil society organizations rather than parties in Macau.This paper examines all aspects of the election process including voter registration,nomination of candidates and election campaign participated by civil society organizations in Macau.It also analyzes the depolarization and non-antagonitic state of the political power caused by civil society organizations participating to elections.By this way,the quasi-party function of organizations and the secret of non-competition political development in Macau have been found out.



娄胜华:澳门理工学院公共行政学课程副教授,博士,兼任澳门特别行政区政府可持续发展策略研究中心非全职顾问、《行政》编委。研究方向为NGO与公民社会、政府管理与公共政策。 已出版学术著作有《转型时期澳门社团研究一多元社会中法团主义体制解析》、《当代中国农村社会经济变迁研究》(合著);发表《澳门政府规模的实证研究》、《社会合作主义与澳门治理模式的选择》、《澳门社团法律制度分析:以政府与社团关系为中心》等学术论文40余篇。学术著作曾获首届澳门特别行政区人文社会科学研究优秀成果一等奖。