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作者:隆娅玲 出版日期:2020年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13761 字 所属图书:以色列研究(第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:Individual's identification of group identity is a constructible process,based on common historical and cultural materials.The Palestinian identity is also based on the Arab Islamic historical and cultural elements shared by members;however the common language,history,culture and other elements are not unique to the Palestinians,but are shared by all Arabs.Therefore,“AL-NAKBA”and its memory are the core factors affecting the P... 展开

Abstract:Individual's identification of group identity is a constructible process,based on common historical and cultural materials.The Palestinian identity is also based on the Arab Islamic historical and cultural elements shared by members;however the common language,history,culture and other elements are not unique to the Palestinians,but are shared by all Arabs.Therefore,“AL-NAKBA”and its memory are the core factors affecting the Palestinian identity.The “AL-NAKBA”memory is shared by members of the Palestinian community,and it is also their uniqueness compared to other groups,which is seen not only as the starting point of Palestinian current reality,but also about the present and future of generations of Palestinians.


