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作者:王战 段明明 出版日期:2020年09月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16476 字 所属丛书:法国蓝皮书 所属图书:法国发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年1月开始的萨赫勒反恐战争(“薮猫”和“新月沙丘”计划)是法国自二战后殖民战争结束以来最大规模的军事行动。局势之复杂、资源投入之大、持续时间之长、牵扯面之广在法国军事史上都是罕见的。从纯粹军事角度来看,由于军事路线和反恐任务之间的严重错位,根除萨赫勒地区恐怖主义威胁的目标难以实现。然而,这正是法国从全局性和战略性层面看待萨赫勒反恐战争的必然结果:法国的真实意图不在反恐,而在于维护和强化其在非洲的军事存在,并借此重启对非洲军事干预欧... 展开



Abstract:Launched in January 2013,the Sahel anti-terrorist war,including two operations(first Serval,then Barkhane)is France’s biggest military action since the end of colonial wars. In terms of duration,resources devoted and mission complexity,the Sahel anti-terrorist war is a remarkable one in French military history. In a pure military perspective,the target of elimination of terrorist threat in Sahel cannot be achieved,because of... 展开

Abstract:Launched in January 2013,the Sahel anti-terrorist war,including two operations(first Serval,then Barkhane)is France’s biggest military action since the end of colonial wars. In terms of duration,resources devoted and mission complexity,the Sahel anti-terrorist war is a remarkable one in French military history. In a pure military perspective,the target of elimination of terrorist threat in Sahel cannot be achieved,because of the mismatch between the guidelines of action and the goal pursued by the war. However,this is a logic result of French strategy which projects the Sahel anti-terrorist war into more global and strategic considerations:the real concerns of France are not the expansion of global terrorism in Sahel and its consequences,but the consolidation of French military presence in Africa and from that the pushing forward of the construction of EU’s independent defense system. Behind France’s Sahel military strategy can be found its efforts to adapt to new challenges caused by the mutation in world landscape and to preserve France’s roles as a middle global power.



