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作者:段立生 出版日期:2020年02月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9726 字 所属丛书:东盟黄皮书 所属图书:东盟发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年泰国形势的最大特点是平稳实现了新老国王的交替和新老僧王的交替,新国王和新僧王携手合作,使泰国社会保持安定和谐。在巴育政府的领导下,修改了宪法、政党法和通过了《上议院选举产生法案》《下议院选举产生法案》,解除了政党活动禁令,为2019年初的大选及向民选政府过渡做好了准备。2018年中泰友好关系的发展表现为三方面:政治互信更加深厚,传统友好关系进一步加强;两国贸易平稳发展,互惠合作更加扎实;人文交往更加热络,两国人民间的友好感情进一步增强。... 展开



Abstract:The biggest characteristic of Thailand’s situation in 2018 is the smooth realization of the alternation of new and old kings and the alternation of new and old monk kings. Under the leadership of the Pakistani government,the constitution,the law on political parties and the election of upper members of parliament and lower members of parliament were amended,lifting the ban on political party activities and preparing for the genera... 展开

Abstract:The biggest characteristic of Thailand’s situation in 2018 is the smooth realization of the alternation of new and old kings and the alternation of new and old monk kings. Under the leadership of the Pakistani government,the constitution,the law on political parties and the election of upper members of parliament and lower members of parliament were amended,lifting the ban on political party activities and preparing for the general election in early 2019 and the transition to an elected government. The development of Sino - Thai friendly relations in 2018 is manifested in three aspects:1. The political mutual trust is deeper and the traditional friendly relations are further strengthened. 2. Trade between the two countries has developed smoothly and mutually beneficial cooperation has become more solid. 3. People-to-people contacts have become more intense and friendly feelings between the two peoples have been further strengthened. High-tech cooperation between China and Thailand has become a new bright spot.


