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作者:张伟 高梦彤 出版日期:2020年01月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11797 字 所属丛书:文化贸易蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际文化贸易发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:我国演出行业在改革开放后先后经历了急速扩张期和迅速降温期,近年来,演出市场的整体状况维持在稳步发展的态势,我国演艺产业呈现跨界融合、蓬勃发展之势。现阶段演出行业达到一定规模,大、小院团持续增多,演出场次和种类也呈现上升趋势,一线城市带动二、三线城市快速发展。从政府、企业到消费群体,都愈发重视演艺在当代社会政治、文化以及经济发展中的重要作用。中国演艺的发展仍有许多不足和亟待克服的困难,现阶段,为促进中国演艺领域的发展,应深度挖掘演艺资源... 展开



Abstract:China’s performance industry has experienced a period of rapid expansion and rapid cooling down since the reform and opening up. In recent years,the overall situation of the performance market has maintained a steady development trend,and China’s performance industry has shown a trend of cross-border integration and vigorous development. At this stage,the development of the performance industry has reached a certain scale,the nu... 展开

Abstract:China’s performance industry has experienced a period of rapid expansion and rapid cooling down since the reform and opening up. In recent years,the overall situation of the performance market has maintained a steady development trend,and China’s performance industry has shown a trend of cross-border integration and vigorous development. At this stage,the development of the performance industry has reached a certain scale,the number of large and small courtyards has continued to increase,and the number and types of performances have also shown an upward trend. First-tier cities drive the rapid development of Second-tier and third-tier cities. From the government,enterprises to consumer groups,more and more attention from them has been paid to the important role of performing arts in contemporary social politics,culture and economic development. There are still many shortcomings and difficulties to be overcome in the development of Chinese performing arts. At this stage,Chinese performing arts should dig deeply into the value of performing arts resources,promote the integration and development of traditional performing arts market and digital culture,cultural tourism,scientific and technological innovation,broaden development channels,give full play to the advantages of cultural powers,tap high-quality resources,and enhance the brand awareness of performing arts with Chinese characteristics so as to enhance the international competitive advantage.



