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作者:吕妍 出版日期:2018年06月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19286 字 所属丛书:中东欧蓝皮书 所属图书:中东欧国家发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016~2017年拉脱维亚政局基本稳定。为促进国民经济发展,强化国家安全,促进社会融合,改善人口状况,成立于2016年2月的现政府推行了一系列政策措施和改革方案。2017年6月,地方选举顺利进行,共选举出1614名地方议会成员。经济方面,各项指标总体发展平稳,但尚未达到增长预期。波罗的海铁路建设项目实现突破,确定了线路、工期及相关技术细节。外交层面,继续奉行立足欧盟北约、重视周边的务实外交政策,寻求共同原则、共同利益基础上的合作。在“16+1合作”框架下,中... 展开



Abstract:During the year of 2016 to 2017,Latvia stayed in political and social stability. Since February 2016,the current government has carried out a series of measures and reforms to strengthen the national economy,security and identity,as well as to improve the demographic situation. In June 2017,the local elections for the city councils and municipality councils took place and elected 1,614 deputies. In economic aspect,all industrie... 展开

Abstract:During the year of 2016 to 2017,Latvia stayed in political and social stability. Since February 2016,the current government has carried out a series of measures and reforms to strengthen the national economy,security and identity,as well as to improve the demographic situation. In June 2017,the local elections for the city councils and municipality councils took place and elected 1,614 deputies. In economic aspect,all industries generally achieved steady growth,however,the growth of GDP did not meet the expectation. The project “Rail Baltica” progressed with the agreement defining route,project deadlines and common technical standards among the three Baltic countries. Grounded on EU and NATO,foreign policy has been shaped by principled pragmatism to seek cooperation with others who share the same principles and goals. Within “16+1” Coorperation,China and Latvia have strengthened policies integration,ecomomic cooperation and cultural exchange,but problems still exist. In 2018,Latvia will celebrate Centenary. A wide range of celebratory events and festivities is prepared to strenghten the spirit of nationhood and a sense of belonging amongst the people of Latvia,and to communicate Latvia as an active,responsible player in the field of building international and inter-cultural relationships.



