文章摘要:自1975年与斐济建立外交关系以来,中国已经与10个太平洋岛国建立了正式外交关系。从改革开放实施的“走出去”到当前推进的“一带一路”倡议,40年来中国与太平洋岛国的合作持续稳步推进,建立了相互尊重、共同发展的全面战略伙伴关系。中国同太平洋岛国的合作具有很强的互补性,有利于双方经济的发展与合作,特别是中国向太平洋岛国提供的官方发展援助,为太平洋岛国的经济社会发展注入了新动力,为太平洋岛国发展提供了新选择。太平洋岛国的产品和资源进入中国市场,满足... 展开
Abstract:Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Fiji in 1975,China has established formal diplomatic relations with eight Pacific island countries(PICs).From the “Going Global” strategy implemented in reform and opening up period to the Belt and Road Initiative,over the past 40 years,cooperation between China and PICs has continued to advance steadily,and a comprehensive strategic partnership of mutual respect and common ... 展开