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作者:黄佩璇 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13941 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2018年第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:According to the “One Country,Two Systems” framework,the Hong Kong Chinese living in mainland China are cross borders but not the country's boundaries.Curiously,they are not only the Chinese citizens but also treated as overseas personnel.Whether they have the right to education as the country's citizens or not? What's the reality? Which problems of the citizenship does it make? What's the relationship with the immigration cit... 展开

Abstract:According to the “One Country,Two Systems” framework,the Hong Kong Chinese living in mainland China are cross borders but not the country's boundaries.Curiously,they are not only the Chinese citizens but also treated as overseas personnel.Whether they have the right to education as the country's citizens or not? What's the reality? Which problems of the citizenship does it make? What's the relationship with the immigration citizenship theories? This paper begins by analyzing the educational entitlement of this group both from the mainland authorities and the HKSAR.The author argues that the Hong Kong Chinese's cross-border right to education is difficult to achieve,since there are different degrees of limitations from the governments of the two places.In concluding the author address the significance of the citizenship of “One country,Two Systems”.


