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作者:雷杰 黄婉怡 出版日期:2019年01月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12112 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2017年第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着粤港两地人口流动日益频繁以及香港严重的“老龄化”问题日益凸显,近年来越来越多的香港长者选择回珠三角养老(简称“港归长者”)。因此,关注港归长者在内地养老生活中遇到的各种困难,具有十分重要的政策与实践意义。本研究通过访谈的办法,走访居住在广州市社区和养老院的24名港归长者、14名他们的照顾者和2名长期为港归长者服务的社工,从社会排斥的理论视角去调查在穗港归长者的养老状况。研究发现,福利制度、经济制度、社会关系、政治制度等方面的排斥影响了... 展开



Abstract:As the size of population flowing between Hong Kong and mainland China is expanded and the severer population aging in Hong Kong,recent years there is an increasing number of Hong Kong elderly people(in short for Ganggui elderly people)who have been back to mainland China to live out their life in retirement.Paying attention to what the difficulties encountered in the mainland on Ganggui elderly people endowment life is of profound... 展开

Abstract:As the size of population flowing between Hong Kong and mainland China is expanded and the severer population aging in Hong Kong,recent years there is an increasing number of Hong Kong elderly people(in short for Ganggui elderly people)who have been back to mainland China to live out their life in retirement.Paying attention to what the difficulties encountered in the mainland on Ganggui elderly people endowment life is of profound theoretical and practical significance.The author used quantitative approach and visited 24 Ganggui elderly people who are living in community and nursing homes in Guangzhou,14 carers of the Ganggui elderly people and 2 social workers.This study uses social exclusion theory to explore current elderly living conditions of Ganggui elderly people.This results show that the welfare system exclusion economic exclusion,social relationship exclusion and political exclusion effect Ganggui elderly people in the mainland nursing quality,which making them facing of poverty and the danger of being marginalized.The study finds that relaxing the rules of the old-age allowances application can't solve the problems that these older people are facing in Guangzhou.The government should put forwards some the interventional solutions for various aspects of social exclusion.



