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作者:吕大乐 Tai-lokLui 出版日期:2015年01月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14282 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2014年第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为一个全球化城市,香港的处境有点尴尬。这份尴尬源于它有一条边界,将这个特别行政区跟国内周边地区分隔开来。这是很多全球化城市无须面对的困难。在全球城市的文献中,这个边界的问题并未引起太多的注意。究其原因,一种可能是,很多国家底下的全球城市,乃存在于一个更广更宽的国家的框架里面,城市的行政边界并非国家的或特殊政治安排的政治边界,因此行政管理性质的边界所带来的束缚,并不明显。另一种可能是,有关全球化及全球城市的分析中,有一种强调流动倾向,... 展开



Abstract:One of the peculiar features of Hong Kong being a global city is that it has a border. Because of the existence of such a border,it encounters many problems that other global cities would not need to deal with. Indeed,the border issue is not a question that has attracted much attention in the literature on global city. This is partly due to the fact that most global cities operate within a national framework and thus they are relati... 展开

Abstract:One of the peculiar features of Hong Kong being a global city is that it has a border. Because of the existence of such a border,it encounters many problems that other global cities would not need to deal with. Indeed,the border issue is not a question that has attracted much attention in the literature on global city. This is partly due to the fact that most global cities operate within a national framework and thus they are relatively free from the constraints imposed by an administrative border of the city. It is also partly due to the fact that the literature on global city carries a hyper-globalist assumption,seeing most of the global cities as unrestrained entities operating in the context of a borderless world. However,in reality,the existence of an administrative boundary does matter. Not only does it regulate the flow of various kinds of activity within and across the border,it also shapes the perspectives and actions of the concerned agents. The so-called region-state envisaged by Kenichi Ohmae has not been realized. To comprehend why this is so is important to our understanding of the current situation of Hong Kong. This paper is an attempt to look at Hong Kong’s integration with South China in the past 35 years. Of course,challenges posed to post-1997 Hong Kong are many and they cannot be reduced to one single source of contradiction. Yet,that said,the fact that Hong Kong is not particularly successful in remaking its spatial configuration is one of the many reasons for her economic and social impasse after the return to China. This paper tries to look at the issue of regional integration,hoping that this will help reflect upon its impacts on Hong Kong.


