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作者:韩克敌 出版日期:2020年07月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13824 字 所属丛书:俄罗斯黄皮书 所属图书:俄罗斯发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年,俄美关系总体趋于平淡,政治上乏善可陈,经济上也差强人意。美俄先后正式退出了《中导条约》,并就《新削减战略武器条约》(又称《第三阶段削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》)的存废不断争吵,国际军控体系濒临瓦解,俄美已经实质性地开始了新一轮军备竞赛。俄美在乌克兰、叙利亚、委内瑞拉和朝鲜的地缘冲突使得俄美之间的斗争日益具有冷战时期的那种全球性,签证战、间谍战此起彼伏。深层次的意识形态分歧仍然是俄美之间各种纷争的重要根源。维持对其他国家的核优... 展开



Abstract:In 2019,the Russia-US relations were generally dull,no matter in political or in economic area. The US and Russia successively withdrew from the “Middle Range Guided Missile Treaty”,and argued intensively about the existence or abolishment of the “New Strategic Arms Treaty”. The international arms control system was on the verge of disintegration,as Russia and the United States have substantially started a new round of arms ra... 展开

Abstract:In 2019,the Russia-US relations were generally dull,no matter in political or in economic area. The US and Russia successively withdrew from the “Middle Range Guided Missile Treaty”,and argued intensively about the existence or abolishment of the “New Strategic Arms Treaty”. The international arms control system was on the verge of disintegration,as Russia and the United States have substantially started a new round of arms race. The geopolitical conflict between Russia and the United States in Ukraine,Syria,Venezuela,and DPRK has made the struggle between two powers spread all over the world. Visa wars and espionage increased as well. Ideological differences are the root of various disputes between Russia and the US. But maintaining nuclear superiority over other countries and nuclear hegemony constitute the common interests of Russia and the US.


