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作者:张宇燕 周方银 出版日期:2009年04月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24749 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告(2009) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年亚太地区的总体特点是麻烦不断,变数增多。从长期来看,影响最大的有三件事,分别是金融危机向实体经济的扩散、印度孟买发生的恐怖袭击,以及中国成功举办奥运会。除此之外,巴基斯坦、泰国的政局都出现了较大的动荡,尼泊尔的政治格局发生了重大变化,牛肉问题也在韩国政坛掀起了不小的风波。从国际安全与地区安全的角度看,非传统安全方面的挑战日益频繁,相对于传统安全问题,其重要性有显著上升。在过去一年中,亚太地区的总体政治安全形势并没有明显的恶化,但... 展开



Abstract:The emerging of many a trouble and growing variables are general characters of the international situation in Asia-Pacific region in 2008. Three events are the most important from the long-term perspective:the spillover of financial crisis into real economy,the terror attacks in India’s Mumbai city,and China’s great success in hosting the Beijing Olympic game. At the same time,the political situation underwent a period of turmoi... 展开

Abstract:The emerging of many a trouble and growing variables are general characters of the international situation in Asia-Pacific region in 2008. Three events are the most important from the long-term perspective:the spillover of financial crisis into real economy,the terror attacks in India’s Mumbai city,and China’s great success in hosting the Beijing Olympic game. At the same time,the political situation underwent a period of turmoil in Pakistan and Thailand,Nepal was in a process of political transformation,the issue of importing American beef led to political disturbance in Korea. When look from the perspective of international security and regional security,the challenges from non-traditional security issues became very frequent,and their importance were growing when compared with traditional security issues. The overall political and security situation remain steady in the past year,but the sources of security threat became more and more diversified and complex,this raises greater challenges to the government of this region in their ability of crisis management. In the end of this paper,we give some forecast about the international situation of Asia-Pacific region in the near future.




周方银:法学博士,现任中国社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所中国周边战略研究室主任、副研究员,中国社会科学院青年人文社科中心理事,The Chinese Journal of International Politics(牛津大学出版社出版)编辑、《国际政治科学》编辑。主要研究方向:中国对外战略、东亚秩序与东亚合作、古代东亚国际关系。著有《国际问题数量化分析》、《东亚安全合作》(第二编者)、《中外关系鉴览1950~2005——中国与大国关系定量衡量》(第二作者)等,在《中国社会科学》、《世界经济与政治》、《国际政治科学》等刊物上发表学术论文数十篇,部分论文被翻译成英文全文转载。